Monday, August 19, 2019

Challenge 371 - Mood Board

Hello all! Gail here. I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and able to keep cool!

For this week we have a mood board challenge based on this beautiful photo.

For my card, I was inspired by the green walls and large lamp shade.  Here's my card:

Here's what our other talented designers have come up with.  Hope you can play along. 

I was inspired by the lime green, the red books and the plants. 
The butterflies are wood veneer I painted.

The photos of the dogs on the wall, and the green color of the wall, inspired me to scrap these photos of my dog frolicking outside, near the green grass.
These photos mean a lot to me because Spotty lost the use of his back legs last March (2018) but regained use of them around Christmas time (2018), YAY!

I was inspired by the green, orange and brown in the photo to use this p
hoto where my son is wearing similar colors.

Heather R

The green is the first thing that pops out to me, followed by the brown of the table and the lighting...and the books reminded me of I was inspired to scrapbook these photos of my daughter from her senior session last August.

For the challenge, I used the colors of the mood board to create my weekly spread for my birthday week.  

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