Monday, May 13, 2019

Challenge #358: Weather

Hi, this week at Use Your Stuff, show us all kinds of weather!  There are all kinds of crazy things going on around the globe these days to feature, commiserate or what have you.
What does weather mean to you?  Show us in the linky below.

Meanwhile here are some DT ideas:

Imho (and I'm probably not alone here) sunshine is the best type of weather,  
and my hubby has a lovely hobby of shooting sunrises and sunsets...

My daughter's soccer season has been plagued with rain.  So I decided to feature a picture of her toting her soccer gear to the field in her new "soccer backpack" (AKA the garbage bag).

I don't have many weather related photos to scrap but I did take this photo of a "Fall" leaf that fell onto the snow on our deck.  It was a early season snowfall so I thought it was interesting that the leaves were still falling from our trees.

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