I really loved the colors of this card and the great mixed-media layers!
I really loved the colors of this card and the great mixed-media layers!
Welcome to this week's challenge everyone! Our theme this week is TRAVEL! We would love to see your projects with any aspect of the theme, maybe its a place you've been to, a map, a city anything that reminds you of travel. Let's look at the DT projects for you!
Hello Everyone! So me being me (Tammy) I got the challenge dates wrong and looks like we have a new challenge today. The DT has already created their projects so this one is going to overlap the other one by a few days. One of these times, when I set up the challenges for the new quarter, I'm going to get the dates right....today is not that day..LOL
So anyway, here is our first February Challenge! I figured since my birthday is on the 11th we would make this one a numbers challenge! It can be anything you want, as long as there is a number somewhere on your project! This should be an easy one right!
Let's see what the DT has for you!
For my numbers challenge, I used pictures of my favorite soccer player; Number 17!
My "99 cents Store" receipt
The week number, Week No. 5
The dates, date stamp x 2
The "2023" on my Planner photo