Monday, June 17, 2019

Challenge 363 - Mood Board

Hello all! Gail here with this week's challenge - a mood board.

Use the image below to be inspired to create your project...It could be the color scheme, or a certain icon/image that you see, is it an element or a pattern?  Maybe it is the whole feel or theme of the board itself.  Have fun with it and show us what inspires you!

Don't forget, we still have a position available on our DT!  If you are interested, make sure you email with DT Call in the subject line and let Tammy know that you are interested! Open worldwide, no DT experience is necessary.  Tell her a little about yourself, and why you would like to be on the DT and then a link to your blog/instagram/FB page ( wherever you post your creations).

For my project I used some of the colours, patterns and a llama.  

Had a little fun using up some super old stash to scrapbook these photos of my three goofballs!


I used some of the colors and the outdoor theme to make this birthday card.

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