Tuesday, August 23, 2022

#454 Nature Highlights

Thanks so much for all the wonderful entries that you all put up for our Nature challenge.  It was so much fun to go through and see all your wonderful creations.  Here are the highlights for this challenge in no particular order!

#4 Anita

#33 Esther

#19 Nancy

Congratulations highlighters!  Be sure to grab your blog badge from the sidebar.  Again, thank you all so very much for playing along with us for the challenge.  We hope you will do so with our new rainbow challenge that you can find here!

Monday, August 22, 2022

#455 Rainbows

Hey there everyone!  Our next challenge is all about Rainbows...  You can use rainbow colors on your project or actual rainbows...whatever your choice may be.  We would love to see what you have been working on!

Heather R

Initially I wasn't really sure I had much in the way of rainbows in my stash but was pleasantly surprised once I started digging and I am loving how bright and happy this layout feels!

Monday, August 8, 2022

#454 Nature

 Hey there everyone!  Thanks for stopping by!  We are happy to share this week's new theme which is NATURE!  Your project can be anything that you find in nature, an activity that you do, etc.  Lots of room to play with this one!  We can't wait to see what you create!  Let's have a look at what the DT has for you!


For my project, I featured nature pictures I snapped while walking the Ashland University campus in Ashland, Ohio.


Elephants are beautiful creatures of nature. They need to be protected!

Sunday, August 7, 2022

#453 Sunshine Highlights

 Thank you everyone who played along with our sunshine challenge!  It was so great to see all the fun bright projects.  Here are the highlights in no particular order!

#8 Karen C     This is such a fun shaker card!

#15 Lorraine    Awesome layers and textures and really!  That flamingo! :)

#1 Pinky    The clouds on this tag are almost so real...great depth in this lovely tag!

Thanks again everyone for playing along.  Ladies, be sure to grab your blog badge from the sidebar.  Be sure to stop by tomorrow for our new challenge!  See you then!