Monday, February 21, 2022

#442 Birthday

 Hello everyone!  We have a really fun challenge for you this week that we are sure you are going to love..  Since February is my birthday month (mine is on the 11th)n our theme is BIRTHDAY!!  You can create any project you like as long as it showcases birthdays in some way.  

Look at all these fun projects from the DT!


Monday, February 7, 2022

#441 Hearts/Love


Well everyone! Valentine's Day is just around the corner!  That means that this week's challenge is celebrating Love/Hearts! 

 I'm sure a lot of you will be able to come up with some wonderful projects for this theme!  The DT has some great ones for you!

I'm trying to go a bit simpler w/ my layouts this year, so in going w/ that goal, I simply used a sticker that includes lots of little hearts and a few chipboard hearts as embellishments on this layout that documents my being chosen as one of the Winter Reps of the Pineberry Paper Sticker Shop
Use my code: DOREEN15 for 15% off you order and to receive my free Sticker Sheet:


For my project, I featured my German Shepherd with his favorite toy, the squeaking pig.  With his love of his pig, I thought he would be the perfect subject matter for a heart themed project.