Monday, May 18, 2020

#398 Patterns

Image result for patterns

Are you ready for this week's challenge?  It's a fun one and totally unique to you!  Our challenge is to use PATTERNS on your project...It could be your paper, how you use your embellishments,  or a pattern in your paper or design.  It is pretty open to interpretation and this is how the DT has figured it out for them!

Our challenge runs from May 18th to May 30th.
Feel free to enter as many times as you wish, as long as you link back with each entry.


I love Patterned Papers and am trying to get through my stash of them without buying
more! As someone who has recently fallen in love w/ Pocket Pages, I have decided to use PPs, cut as cards, to to fit into my pockets. I also carried the same paper over to the top card and cut it in half-circle embellishments to pull more of the pattern into the page:

A good way to use up scraps of patterned paper on a card.

I rarely use patterned papers, so this week had me thinking,  I was able to incorporate patterned sticker paper into my planner spread for this week.  After it was complete, I really loved this layout.  I will have to incorporate patterns more often.

Monday, May 4, 2020

#397 Flowers and/or Butterflies

Image result for flowers and butterflies
Happy Monday!  Ready for this challenge!  I keeping with all things spring, our challenge is to use flowers and/or butterflies on your projects.  You can use one or the other or a combination of both!  The choice is yours and we can't wait to see what you picked!  Check out what the DT has for you!

This challenge runs from May 4th until May 16th!


For this challenge I chose flowers.
I used a BG paper w/ flowers to highlight this photo of me and our Mini-Potbelly Pig,
Hamlet, cuddling (12x12 Traditional):


I couldn't decide so I did one of each. One card for my mom 
and one for my mother in law for Mother's Day.
