Sunday, June 11, 2023

#484 Technique highlights and #485 anything goes

I'm a bit behind with the highlights post as I've been swamped with other creative endeavors.  
Big Remodel going on my daughter's place so please forgive the tardiness of this post.
Thank you to all that shared their crafty techniques with us.  

Here are some staff highlights in no particular order.

Haven:  I choose the mixed media creation of  #36 Granne

and so I don't get more behind we also have the "Anything Goes" highlights here too.

Haven: #71 Donna's gorgeous sunset card

Thanks for playing along everyone and be sure to check out our next challenge!
Featured artists make sure to grab your badge from the sidebar. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the top spot and congratulations to Donna!


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