Friday, October 11, 2013

Welcome to the New Members of the Use Your Stuff Creative Team

Wow! What a great response to our call for Creative Team Members. We loved all the applicants! There is so much talent out there!

We had a hard time selecting just one or two, so in the end, we chose 4 very talented ladies. If you're looking for some inspiration, check out their blogs and galleries. You'll see why we really wanted them on our team.


I am Isbaha, a 35 years old stay-at-home mother to three little boys (1, 4 and 6 years old... Yes, I am never bored !) and I love to scrapbook our memories, with layouts or mini albums. I also enjoy to make cards and home decor. I rarely buy premade embellishments, I prefer to make my own with my tools, and... Using my stuff, of course !

You can find Isbaha's blog here: Isbaha's Blog

Tammy Lever


Greetings from the Great White North! My name is Tammy and I live in Calgary AB Canada. I am a married WAHM to 4 yr old boy named Riley and we also have two pound puppies, a pug named Pickles and a bijon named Tonka. I am so excited to be a part of the Use Your Stuff team. My stash is always overwhelming so I'm happy when I have to use it up. When my scrappy friends need things, they come to me and I still don't know anything is gone :) I have a soft spot for 6x6 paper packs and ribbon. I love doing layouts, cards, SMASHbooks and have jumped on the ATC bandwagon. I don't have any particular style but tend to be inspired by the theme or the product that I am using. I love checking out other blogs so I will definitely be looking forward to checking out all those that play with us each week and being inspired and hopefully inspiring you as well.

You can find Tammy's Blog here: Tammy's Blog

Amanda Crow


My name is Amanda Crow and I live in Saskatchewan, Canada. I am married to my wonderful husband, Shawn, and together we have an amazing one year old son, Benjamin and two furbabies, Tucker (4 year old Shepherd/Rotti cross) and Duke (2 year old Boxer). I have recently returned to work as a Physical Therapist after a year off with my son and am learning to balance work and home!

 I was introduced to scrapbooking in 2006 and fell in love with it! I love that it lets me document the big and small moments in my life in such a way that allows me to be so creative. I also love all the people that I have met through this wonderful hobby! I file and store my layouts chronologically but don't always scrap that way. I love to try new ideas and techniques to make complex and detailed layouts but also love and appreciate the beauty of a simple layout too. Completing challenges and being able to share my work with others is so very motivating to me! I love to get feedback on my layouts and cards and feel honored when I am able to inspire others. I am so excited to be a part of this fabulous Creative Team!

See some of Amanda's work in her gallery here: Amanda's gallery

Julie Short

I am Julie Short. I live in a locality, a tiny dot, which even Google has trouble finding in Australia.

There are many types of arts and crafts that I have taught and also have an interest in.

As a Teacher specialising in the Creative Arts for many years it gave me great pleasure to foster the love of “Making”.

I am still passionate about teaching except now my clients are there by choice!

It gives me pleasure to see the excitement that people have when they come to my studio – Time To Create. As CEO, cleaner, planner and dreamer I believe there are 24 hours in each day and that gives a lot of creative opportunities. When “What If” is prodding me to try yet another idea I am happy.

Apart from my love of crafting I am passionate about our environment and sustainable living. I share a beautiful home and plant nursery – Idyll Hours, with my wonderful Super Star, two Diva Dogs and a host of wild, amazing creatures. Just glancing up from my work desk can provide inspiration!

Using my stuff is exactly what I love doing and I look forward to the challenges and possibilities of this continuing journey!

You can find Julie's Blog here: Julie's Blog
We are so excited to add these four ladies to our team. We can't wait to see what inspiration they all have in store for us.
Sadly, with the addition of these ladies, we have to say good-bye to two of our Creative Team members, Joy, and Sarah. It's been a great ride with both of these ladies and, while they leave our team, we know they are moving on to other creative endeavors and look forward to seeing what the future has in store for them.


  1. I'm so happy to be here and I can't wait to start !
    And I am thrilled to team up with these awesome ladies ;)

  2. Welcome to the new DT. Looking forward to being inspired by you

  3. Hello I am looking forward to new challenges and many possibilities.

  4. I am thrilled to welcome all of you our new DT members to our UYS team. I can't wait to see what you all come up with. I am sure it will be a wonderful relationship.


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