Friday, August 21, 2020

DT Call Reminder

Hey Everyone!  Just a reminder of our DT call that we have right now!  I am looking for 1 new permanent member as sadly our own Karrie has to step down and we are also looking for several Guest DT members.  If any of this interests you, I want to hear from you!!!

Here are the DEETS!

I am also looking for some Guest Designers for our September to December challenges.  I would like to have about 4 or 5 so if you are interested, please email me at with the subject line Guest Designer UYS .  We will also be looking for one permanent DT member for a 6 month to 1 year term (this is negotiable). 

Tell me why you would like to be on the team and if you are applying for DT, GDT or both!  Please also  send me a link to your blog/instagram/FB or wherever you post your projects so I can have a look around.  Also let me know the term you would like 1 month (so 2 challenges) - 4 months (8 challenges)

 The DT call will go until AUGUST 21st and then I will announce the new guest designers the following week.

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