Sunday, August 9, 2020

A Plethora of Winners and a Guest Designer Call Out

I am so sorry!  I have been really lax in doing the top 3 for our challenges for a long time now!  We appreciate every one of you that continue to play along with us challenge after challenge even when we don't recognize you!  Some of you have been playing with us for years!

I promise that going forward we are getting back on track but if you happened to play along with us in any of the challenges from #390 - #401  I want you to grab the blog deserve it!  Wear it proudly on your blog and know that your entries and support for our challenges is welcomed and appreciated!

 THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED ENTRIES!  We can't do this blog without you.
Going forward I promise that we will have the regular highlights after each challenge.....

I am also looking for some Guest Designers for our September to December challenges.  I would like to have about 4 or 5 so if you are interested, please email me at with the subject line Guest Designer UYS .  We will also be looking for one permanent DT member for a 6 month to 1 year term (this is negotiable). 

Tell me why you would like to be on the team and if you are applying for DT, GDT or both!  Please also  send me a link to your blog/instagram/FB or wherever you post your projects so I can have a look around.  Also let me know the term you would like 1 month (so 2 challenges) - 4 months (8 challenges)

  The DT call will go until AUGUST 21st and then I will announce the new guest designers the following week.

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