Tuesday, April 12, 2016

DIY Kits

Hey everyone, Tammy L here!

So a big part of who we are here at USE YOUR STUFF is making the most of your stash...recently I have realized that I really do have a lot of stash and am at a loss of how to start using it up...I love our challenges but sometimes that just isn't enough.

My solution is DIY kits!  Scrapbook kits are really popular right now and almost every company has some that you can purchase but what about all that stuff you already have and want to use up...old kits, a paper here or there, more embellishments than you know what to do with?

So, I have been doing some research...I have recently found an amazing group of videos from nicmakin on Youtube...she just has these great walk throughs on how to put some kits together all from what you already have in your stash...big kits...enough to let you scrap a bunch of pages worry free, whether you are doing one of our challenges, going to a crop or just feel in the creative mood!  It's all about mixing and matching and being able to throw a bunch of stuff in a bag and be able to put together a bunch of pages with little or no fuss...

You can check out her videos  here!

Katelyn from Gray Florals did a video as well and is just starting her 10 part series to help guide you to your DIY kit  check hers out here 

Another great source was brought to my attention from our DT member Tina!

Counterfeit Kit Challenge  has some wonderful monthly challenges to put together your own kit and then to challenge you to use them!  I love to support other challenge sites, especially if they work in tandem with ours!  This couldn't be more perfect!

I hope that these give you a jump off point to start your own kits, I know that they have me and I look forward to putting together a few for when we head out to our farm in May!  I don't want to take a lot of stuff but want to still be able to do up some pages so this is going to work perfectly!

Make sure you check them out!  As always, we love to hear from you, so if you have some ideas or places that you go for DIY kits that you want to share, leave us a note in the comments!

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