Sunday, April 19, 2015

Challenge #180 Anything Goes

Welcome to a new week, and a new Challenge  at Use Your Stuff!
I hope you had fun with our Spring Fling Blog Hop last week.

Knowing that everyone was busy with the hop last week, I picked this weeks
challenge to be an "anything goes" challenge.  It's simple, it's easy, and whatever
you create for other challenges this week, just add us onto it!

Our daughter, Sarah is graduating from 8th grade this June, and I 
was asked to make the invitations for their graduation party.
Below is an idea of something I came up with this morning.
The word art on the front represents some of the "moments"
their class has had during their 9 years together at Trinity.
Many of them, have been together since Kindergarten, so it's
bitter sweet to see some of them going their seperate ways
as they all did not choose the same high school to attend.

I hope you enjoy the invitation, and it gives you some inspiration!
Have a great week, and we look foward to seeing what you create!
Please use the Mr Linky below to upload your creation~!




 Here is my anything!
A while back I made some masks with my glue gun, and this page was one tester...
later I found these old Technique Tuesday chipboard pieces in my stash - its an art piece!

My Daughters Graduation from Primary School


  1. Thanks for the inspiration and challenge!

  2. Love the DT Creations, Hazel (Didos) x

  3. When was the challenge due date? I can't seem to find when challenges are due on the blog. Can someone let me know? I had hoped to enter this one, but I guess I was too late. :0(


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