Sunday, February 9, 2014

Challenge #122 - Our Wonderful World

Hello! Julie Short here. Do you have a go to place? A place in our Wonderful World where you connect with the Earth?
Are you a traveller, seeking to see as much as you can or like most of us, more likely to explore all that is close to you - even if it is your backyard?
Wherever you may go, or dream of going, my challenge this week is to share with us, where, in the World, is Your Wonderful!

I love to travel and so I decided to create an album to celebrate my journeys. You will find a detailed description on my blog.

Have you guessed yet what I am using for this album?

This will be my last post for Use Your Stuff but certainly not the last time that I follow the ideas of this terrific challenge. What will you use up this week and where is your Wonderful World?
We are all looking forward to seeing it.


One of my favorite cities in the world is Paris.  Since I was a little girl I have loved everything about the French culture.  I was lucky that I made a life long dream come true several years ago when I was finally able to visit such an amazing city.  I have only ever been there once, but I long to return.

I never feel more at home and in peaceful relaxation than when I am by the ocean.
The sea and salt air make me feel like all is right with this wonderful world.

In the last couple of years I've been very fortunate to take some trips to places I've never been before. When Julie stated what her challenge was going to be, I was thrilled to have a reason to pull out some of my pictures from Italy.

I haven't done a lot of travelling yet (although I hope to!) but as I was thinking through the places I have been and trying to decide what to do for this challenge, my eyes fell on this photo on my desk. Seeing it while thinking of this topic made me think that no matter where I travel the most wonderful place on earth for me will always be wherever my precious family is.

The title reads "Anywhere if I am with you".
It's what I said to my husband soon after our dating, when he asked me where I wanted to live...

We would like to say good bye to Julie, it's her last post for Use Your Stuff and we truly enjoyed her work ! She was so inspiring and friendly, and we wish her good luck for her projects !

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