Monday, January 7, 2013


Happy New Year everyone. Welcome to 2013. Lynne here.
I am quickly approaching my 'senior' years.  Some may say I am there already.  Anyway, the title of this post comes from a favorite song from my college years called The Circle Game by Joni Mitchell (check it out HERE) . This layout is one of my oldest daughter on her 2nd birthday.  Nina is now 31 and I am amazed that  the years have gone by so fast.  I used Basic Grey's Blush for this layout. (does anyone remember that one?)
For this weeks challenge, I would like you to prominently use a CIRCLE element on your card or layout while you enjoy Joni singing one of my favorite songs.



I love the look of circles on a layout or card. I used to use them all the time but for some reason I got away from using them. Thanks, Lynne, for getting me using them again.
In this layout I used a large circle as a background to a large sun.


See my circle in behind all of the strips and photos??  It's kind of hidden, but it grounds all of the other elements on the page.  


  1. Being a Joni Mitchell fan & also love that song, and just listening to it I have the perfect pic, so hope to join in

  2. Dolly. Our new challenges are posted each Monday morning. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.



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