Monday, March 5, 2012

Color Challenge - Candy Colors

HI everyone. I am filling in for Joy a little earlier this month.
I had a bit of a sweet tooth when I doing this LO and all I could think of were M&M’s. So do a LO using CANDY COLORS. I can't wait to see what all of you come up with.



My youngest son was a VERY good boy on our trip to the  drugstore the other day, so I treated him to a box of SMARTIES at the  check-out.  He thought he had died and went to heaven (and I peaked to see the colourful inspiration in the box!) Here is my layout on a Smartie-coloured theme:


I'm going to have to cheat a little here. I had very good intentions to dive right in this weekend with this challenge and create something yummy with these fabulous colours. However, getting family members ready for two different trips has taken more of my attention than I cared for. So, I went to my files and thought I would post this layout that I did for the Scrapping Bug Design Team a few months ago. The best part is, it's actually about candy!


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