Sunday, March 29, 2015

Free Week

Hey Everyone!  Tammy here.   It is a no-challenge week for the DT this week, so we don't have a challenge for you.  However, just for fun.  Leave a comment below telling us what your Easter plans are and you will be entered to win this crafty prize from me.

The contest will be open until 6pm MST on Saturday April 4 and the winner will be announced on Sunday April 5.

Good luck and thanks so much for playing along with us each week.

Your UYS Design Team


Unknown said...

Hello team,
Firstly, thank you all for bringing us such a great challenge :D
Easter for us is a time for family, we all get together (we have 8 children)and spend time catching up, laughing and sharing stories. We usually spend a lot of time walking in the beautiful countryside too, reflecting and admiring Spring in all its glory x
Happy Easter to you all
Sandie x

Unknown said...

Happy EASTER to all of you! Hope you have a fun weekend and a chance to Use Your Stuff!!!! I plan to paint a funky cow - dear me! And enjoy the Texas bluebonnets that are blooming now. Love watching you all create. Still treasuring my very first badge that came from Use Your Stuff :) Blessings! j.

KT Fit Kitty said...

Oh, that's lovely! Thank you! My Easter plans will be spent at home with my loved ones, with a nice dinner. No children here, just cats, so we won't be having any egg hunts!

Unknown said...

Fabulous! Thank you for the opportunity to win such a great prize! Easter is going to be spent at my Mom's house - we will just hang out and visit - my favorite way to spend a holiday :)

Treva said...

Happy Easter and thank you for sharing. I don't have any specific plans as we will probably go to church and then to dinner with family and friends.

Kathy Schweinfurth said...

What a fun "challenge"! We have a little tradition: church first and then go for brunch with extended family. The kids are too old for egg hunts, but never too old for Easter baskets!

Julene Matthews said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win and I love doing your challenges when I can.
Here in Sydney Australia Autumn is approaching fast. I will spend Easter alone as my daughter lives 3 hours away. Probably catch up on some gardening.

Electra said...

Thanks for this, it's nice to just sit and do nothing in particular! I enjoy your challenges, even though I don't always have time to play along. Happy Easter to you!

Me-Ma Kim said...

HAPPY EASTER to ALL of YOU!! I can hardly wait for Easter to get here to see all the Grandkids and have an Easter Egg hunt. Of course, another great thing about this week is that I get to see my Mom and Pops again. They winter in Texas and will be home tomorrow. Haven't seen them since October!! SO READY for some of Mom's good cookie and planting garden with my Pops! Thanks for the chance, have a GREAT Day,
Me-Ma Kim

LeslieT said...

Happy Easter, ladies! You definitely deserve a little time off! LOL! Hubby and I are empty-nesters and we have absolutely nothing planned. He'll be tinkering with his cars this weekend and I'll be scrapping! :)

Sandy Ross said...

Good Friday is very special for my husband & I. We had our first date on Good Friday and one year later we were it a very special time for us. Spending time with Family is wonderful!!! Happy Easter!

Carolyn Johnson said...

Looking forward to my four year old searching for eggs! Have a great long weekend.